Super UA

Roland Super UA Audio Interface Review

The Super UA Audiophile Interface is by far one of 2015's most impressive introductions to the audio space. The sheer power behind the Super UA is reason enough to implement it into your workflow or DAW. Regardless if you use the interface for voiceover, are a music hobbyist, or a professional mastering engineer the Super UA by Roland is and will be a great addition to your setup.

All in all, I'm extremely happy with having the Super UA as part of my editing workflow. It produces some of the most accurate sound I've ever had the pleasure of listening to, it also helps me capture some really great, full sounding voiceover.

Coming in at around $600-700 it's a must have for all serious professionals and is something I would recommend the prosumer at least consider for purchase and inclusion into there workflow, as the price can kind of scare some folks away. I know I don't regret purchasing it and would do it again in a heartbeat.

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